Stay Safe against these two WhatsApp Scams

    More than half of the world's population uses WhatsApp on a regular basis. Because of its rising popularity, it has become one of the most popular social media platforms for hackers who use social engineering and viral communications to threaten and steal money from innocent users.

Users of WhatsApp are currently being targeted by two scams. Here's everything that you need to know about scams and how they work, as well as how to be secure on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp Scams

    Beware! These 2 WhatsApp Scams Could dangerous for  Your Bank Balance and Personal Info.

    Quick Reading:

    Scam type 1:

       " Scammers start the process by delivering a spam link with in the URL to WhatsApp users. The user becomes an open book to the hackers once they click on it and follow the instructions. "

    Scam type 2:

        " The fraudsters send a WhatsApp message asking, "Excuse me, who are you? / "Sorry, who are you?". They then add something more like, "I found in my contacts." Or "I discovered you on my to-do list" to make you feel better and earn your trust. And by this way, they begin collecting the user's personal information. This information can be used to commit fraud. "

    Reading in Depth: – Stay away from this link on WhatsApp.

        For a few days now,, a deadly WhatsApp scam, has been circulating. Using social engineering techniques, fraudsters can gain access to a WhatsApp user's private information as well as financial information such as bank and card details.

    How do fraudsters make it happen?

        Fraudsters send a link to WhatsApp users, and when they click on it, they are directed to a website that says they may win an award/prize by completing a survey(fake Survey).

        After filling the survey, Users are taken to another page, where they are requested to fill out some personal details such as their name, age, address, bank information, and other private details.

        Cybercriminals use the information collected in this way to send spam and harmful emails to their victims. On the user's device, potentially unwanted programs can also be installed by such CyberCriminals. 

        Scammers can steal money from your bank account or use your credentials to undertake criminal acts that may never be traced back to them.

     How can YOU safeguard against scams?

        If YOU receive a spam link containing in the URL, You should report it as spam and remove it as soon as possible.

        You should examine your devices for any virus or possibly undesirable software (suspicious applications) if you have mistakenly clicked on it. Remove any such suspicious application as soon as possible.

    "Sorry, who are you?" to trap WhatsApp users.

    How do fraudsters make it happen?

        Scammers initiate connections with new victims by sending odd SMS such as "Sorry, who are you?" and then gradually building a connection with victims.

        "Excuse me, who are you?" the fraudsters inquired in a WhatsApp chat. They build trust by saying "I discovered you on my to-do list,"  or “ On my contact List”. These hackers appear to be sincere in their efforts to gain WhatsApp users' trust. They ask about your name, occupation, and age, and then provide praises in order to make you feel better and earn your trust.

        To obtain access to users' public information, the scammers encourage WhatsApp users to link them to their social media accounts, such as Instagram or Facebook. By adding them to your social media account, they have access to public information such as your friend's list and other interesting details.

         The fraudsters can then leverage your Instagram and Twitter followers, as well as your Facebook friends. They go into attack mode, commonly known as blackmailing, once you've given them all they need, including personal images.

     How can YOU safeguard against scams?

        If you receive a message from someone you don't recognize, double-check their identification and ignore them if they don't ring any bells.

    Avoid any doubtful links or downloads to keep your devices protected.


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    Now you know How to stay safe against such scams. I hope this information is helpful for you.
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