Use HTML table tags and Image tag to create web page - Practical [ SWPD 4311603 ]

Practical Aim:
Use HTML table tags and Image tags to create a web page as per the given sample.
- Hint :
Create or use computer.html file (from practical 2)  
- Sample Output:

HTML table tag, HTML image tag, <image> tag, <table> tag, html example

- Solution -  <table> and <image> tags :

Video Tutorial : HTML Image tag and Table tag


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Computer Department</title>
<h1>Computer Department</h1>
<img src="" alt="Practical swpd" height="300" width="400"/>

<img src="" alt ="Hyperlink practical" height="300" width="400"/>
<p><figcaption><b>Practical Excercises in SWPD</b></figcaption></p>
<table width="100%" border="1 thick">
<th colspan="3">Industrial Visit/ Expert Lecture List Year wise </th>

<td rowspan="9">Computer Department</td>
<td rowspan="3">1st year</td>
<td>Expert Lecture 1</td>

<td>Expert Lecture 2</td>

<td>Expert Lecture 3</td>

<td rowspan="3">2nd Year</td>
<td>Expert Lecture 1</td>

<td>Expert Lecture 2</td>

<td>Expert Lecture 3</td>

<td rowspan="3">3rd Year</td>
<td>Expert Lecture 1</td>

<td>Expert Lecture 2</td>

<td>Expert Lecture 3</td>



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