Practical List - Static Webpage Design 4311603 [ PRACTICAL EXERCISES ]

Practical Exercises- Static Webpage Design 4311603

Unit 1: Introduction to HTML - Practical Exercises  

Sample OUTPUT: 
File name: index.html
HTML practicals

Practical 2:
Use hyperlink tag to navigate through different web pages as per the given sample.
- Hint :

Create four HTML pages: index.html(file from practial1), computer.html, mechanical.html, and civil.html, and put all files in one folder.
- Sample Output:

HTML a tag, swpd 4311603, 3160713 WEB Programming

HTML Links Hyperlinks, 3160713 WEB Programming

Practical 3:
Use HTML table tags and Image tags to create a web page as per the given sample.
- Hint :
Create or use computer.html file (from practical 2)
- Sample Output:

HTML table tag, HTML image tag, <image> tag, <table> tag, html example

Unit 2: advanced HTML - Practical Exercises  

Practical 4:
Using an ordered list, unordered list, and definition list create a web page as per the given sample. [ <ol>, <ul>, <dl> ] 

Practical 5:
Using semantic tags( HTML5 Layout Elements) create HTML Page  to organize webpage element.

Solution -  <header> ,<footer>, <section>, <article>, <details>, <summary>, <aside> tags :

Practical 6:

Make Your First HTML Form - Easy Explanation

UNIT 3: Working with Kompozer - Practical Exercises  


Unit 4: cascading style sheets (CSS) - Practical Exercises  

Practical 8:

HTML Forms - computer bits daily

UNIT 5: javascript - Practical Exercises  

Practical 11:

Use JavaScript to find the highest from given three values.

Practical 12:

Use JavaScript to check whether entered character is a vowel or consonant using if else ladder.

Practical 13:

Use JavaScript to check whether entered character is a vowel or consonant using switch case.

Practical 14:

Use JavaScript and HTML to print first 10 even numbers.

Practical 15:

JavaScript and HTML code to calculate power of given number 

Practical 16:

JavaScript and HTML code to print multiplication table of given number 

Practical 17:

JavaScript and HTML code to print the sum of 1 to n number 

Practical 18:

JavaScript and HTML code to check whether a given number is prime or not 

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