Programming, Data Structures And Algorithms Using Python - Week 5 Programming Assignment | NPTEL | [Jan 2023]

Programming, Data Structures And Algorithms Using Python - Week 5 Programming Assignment | NPTEL Jan 2023 | Answer with Explanation

 Programming, Data Structures And Algorithms Using Python - Week 5 Programming Assignment   NPTEL   [Jan 2023]

The library at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has computerized its book issuing process. The relevant information is provided as text from standard input in three parts: information about books, information about borrowers and information about checkouts. Each part has a specific line format, described below.

Information about books
Line format: Accession Number~Title

Information about borrowers
Line format: Username~Full Name

Information about checkouts
Line format: Username~Accession Number~Due Date
Note: Due Date is in YYYY-MM-DD format.

You may assume that the data is internally consistent. For every checkout, there is a corresponding username and accession number in the input data, and no book is simultaneously checked out by two people.

Each section of the input starts with a line containing a single keyword. The first section begins with a line containing Books. The second section begins with a line containing Borrowers. The third section begins with a line containing Checkouts. The end of the input is marked by a line containing EndOfInput.

Write a Python program to read the data as described above and print out details about books that have been checked out. Each line should describe to one currently issued book in the following format:

Due Date~Full Name~Accession Number~Title
Your output should be sorted in increasing order of due date. For books due on the same date, sort in increasing order of full name.

Here is a sample input and its corresponding output.

Sample Input
APM-001~Advanced Potion-Making
GWG-001~Gadding With Ghouls
APM-002~Advanced Potion-Making
DMT-001~Defensive Magical Theory
DMT-003~Defensive Magical Theory
GWG-002~Gadding With Ghouls
DMT-002~Defensive Magical Theory
SLY2301~Hannah Abbott
SLY2302~Euan Abercrombie
SLY2303~Stewart Ackerley
SLY2304~Bertram Aubrey
SLY2306~Malcolm Baddock
SLY2307~Marcus Belby
SLY2308~Katie Bell
SLY2309~Sirius Orion Black
Sample Output

2019-03-14~Katie Bell~APM-002~Advanced Potion-Making
2019-03-27~Bertram Aubrey~DMT-002~Defensive Magical Theory
2019-03-27~Hannah Abbott~GWG-001~Gadding With Ghouls
2019-04-03~Hannah Abbott~GWG-002~Gadding With Ghouls
2019-04-03~Stewart Ackerley~DMT-001~Defensive Magical Theory
books = dict()
# Dictionary to map username to fullname
borrowers = dict()
# List to store checkout data: accumulate, sort and print
checkouts = [] 

# Find the start of Books data
nextline = input().strip()
while nextline.find("Books") < 0:
    nextline = input().strip()

# Read upto start of Borrowers data
# Skip the line with "Books"
nextline = input().strip()
while nextline.find("Borrowers") < 0:
    (accession_number,title) = nextline.split('~')
    books[accession_number] = title
    nextline = input().strip()

# Read upto Checkout data
# Skip the line with "Borrowers"
nextline = input().strip()
while nextline.find("Checkouts") < 0:
    (username,fullname) = nextline.split('~')
    borrowers[username] = fullname
    nextline = input().strip()

# Process Checkouts
# Skip the line with "Checkouts"
nextline = input().strip()
while nextline.find("EndOfInput") < 0:
    (username,accession_number,due_date) = nextline.split('~')
    checkoutline = due_date+"~"+borrowers[username]+"~"+accession_number+"~"+books[accession_number]
    nextline = input().strip()

# Print the output from checkouts
for i in sorted(checkouts):

"This page contains Programming assignment related to Programming, Data Structures And Algorithms Using Python. The answers to these questions are provided for educational and informational purposes only.These answers are provided only for the purpose to help students to take references. This website does not claim any surety of 100% correct answers. So, this website urges you to complete your assignment yourself."

Programming, Data Structures And Algorithms Using Python,NPTEL, Week 5 Programming Assignment [Jan 2023],noc23_cs15

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