Basic Computer MCQs with answers [ Computer MCQ online Test ]

Basic Computer MCQs with answers [ Computer MCQ online Test ]

Which of the following is the main memory of a computer?

a. Hard Disk Drive (HDD).

b. Random Access Memory (RAM)

c. Read-Only Memory (ROM).

d. Central Processing Unit (CPU).

The correct answer is B) Random Access Memory (RAM).

RAM (Random Access Memory) is the main memory of a computer. It holds data and instructions that the CPU needs to actively work on. RAM allows for fast access and modification of data, which is crucial for program execution.

Here's a breakdown of the other options:
Hard Disk Drive (HDD): This is a secondary storage device that holds data permanently. It's slower to access compared to RAM.

Read-Only Memory (ROM): This type of memory stores pre-programmed instructions that the computer needs to start up and function basic functions. Data in ROM cannot be modified by the user.

Central Processing Unit (CPU): The CPU is the brain of the computer, responsible for processing instructions. It retrieves data and instructions from RAM to perform calculations and operations.

Which of the following is the brain of a computer?

D. Hard Disk


CPU stands for Central Processing Unit. It is the electronic circuitry within a computer that executes instructions constituting a computer program. The CPU is considered the "brain" of a computer because it performs all the calculations and controls the operations of the computer.

RAM (Random Access Memory) is used for temporary storage of data and programs while the computer is running.

ROM (Read-Only Memory) stores essential system programs and data that cannot be modified or erased.

Hard Disk is a non-volatile storage device used for permanent storage of data.

Which of the following is the correct order of data hierarchy from smallest to largest?

A. Bit, Byte, Field, Record, File, Database
B. Byte, Bit, Field, Record, File, Database
C. Bit, Field, Byte, Record, File, Database
D. Byte, Field, Bit, Record, File, Database

A. Bit, Byte, Field, Record, File, Database

Bit: The smallest unit of data in a computer, representing a binary value (0 or 1).
Byte: A group of 8 bits, often representing a character.
Field: A specific piece of data within a record, like a name or age.
Record: A collection of related fields, such as a customer record.
File: A group of related records.
Database: A collection of interrelated files.

What is the primary function of a CPU?

A. Storing data permanently
B. Controlling the overall operation of a computer
C. Displaying output on a monitor
D. Inputting data into the computer

B. Controlling the overall operation of a computer

The CPU, or Central Processing Unit, is the "brain" of the computer. It executes instructions, performs calculations, and manages the flow of data within the system.
Storing data permanently is the job of secondary storage devices like hard drives.
Displaying output is the function of output devices like monitors.
Inputting data is done through input devices like keyboards and mice.

What is the full form of USB?

A. Universal Serial Bus
B. Uniform Standard Bus
C. United System Bus
D. Unique Serial Bus

A. Universal Serial Bus
USB is a standard interface for connecting computer peripherals like keyboards, mice, printers, and external storage devices to a computer. It allows for high-speed data transfer and power supply to connected devices.

What is the full form of BIOS?

A. Basic Input Output System
B. Binary Input Output System
C. Basic Integrated Output System
D. Byte Input Output System

A. Basic Input Output System

BIOS is a fundamental software program stored on a computer's motherboard. It performs essential tasks during the boot-up process, including initializing hardware components and loading the operating system.

Which of the following is NOT a type of computer network?


LAN (Local Area Network) connects devices within a limited geographical area, such as a home or office.
WAN (Wide Area Network) connects devices over a large geographical area, such as a city, state, or country.
MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) connects devices within a city or metropolitan area.

Which of the following is NOT a type of network topology?

A. Cloud Topology
B. Star Topology
C. Ring Topology
D. Bus Topology

Cloud Topology
Bus Topology: In a bus topology, all devices are connected to a single cable called the bus.

Star Topology: In a star topology, all devices are connected to a central hub or switch.

Ring Topology: In a ring topology, all devices are connected in a circular fashion.  

Cloud Topology is not a physical network topology but rather a conceptual model for delivering computing services over the internet. It refers to the infrastructure and deployment model that enables various services and applications to be accessed on-demand over the network.

What is the primary function of a compiler?

A. Translating high-level language into machine language
B. Executing machine language instructions
C. Linking different program modules
D. Debugging program errors

A. Translating high-level language into machine language

A compiler is a software program that converts human-readable code (written in high-level languages like C, Java, Python) into machine code, which is understood by the computer's processor. This process is essential for running programs on a computer.

When you write a Python program, you use statements like print("Hello, world!"). The Python compiler translates this statement into a series of machine instructions that the computer can execute to display the message on the screen.

Computer MCQ online Test

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