States of a Process in Operating Systems Online test | Operating System Quick Notes

States of a Process in Operating Systems
Last Updated : 01 Aug, 2024

States of a Process | Operating System Quick Notes

Key States and Transitions of Process:

- New: Process is created but not yet ready to run.
- Ready: Process is loaded into main memory and waiting for CPU time.
- Running: Process is currently executing on a CPU.
- Blocked: Process is waiting for an event (e.g., I/O, user input, resource acquisition).
- Terminated: Process has completed execution and is being cleaned up.

Additional States:

- Suspend Ready: Process is in ready state but swapped out to secondary storage.
- Suspend Blocked: Process is in blocked state but swapped out to secondary storage.

State Transitions:

- New to Ready: When a process is created and resources are allocated.
- Ready to Running: When selected by the scheduler for execution.
- Running to Blocked: When waiting for an event or resource.
- Blocked to Ready: When the awaited event or resource becomes available.
- Running to Terminated: When the process completes execution.
- Running to Ready: When preempted by another process.
- Suspend Ready/Blocked to Ready/Blocked: When swapped back into main memory.


- Long-Term Scheduler: Determines the degree of multiprogramming.
- Short-Term Scheduler (CPU Scheduler): Selects the next process to run.
- Medium-Term Scheduler: Handles process swapping between main and secondary memory.


- Preemptive: Processes can be interrupted and removed from the CPU.
- Non-Preemptive: Processes run to completion without interruption.

Degree of Multiprogramming:

- The maximum number of processes that can reside in the ready state.

Process Operations:

- Creation
- Scheduling
- Execution
- Termination
- Blocking
- Resumption
- Context Switching
- Inter-Process Communication
- Synchronization

Note: This is a brief overview of operating system concepts. For a more in-depth understanding, refer :

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Online Test: States of a Process | Process Life Cycle

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